Review: 'Unlocked' Is A Mixture Of Suspense, Crime, And Drama

Review: 'Unlocked' Is A Mixture Of Suspense, Crime, And Drama

Hearing the title and seeing Unlocked's poster gives viewers a general idea of ​​what it's about, but don't expect such exciting developments.


Unlocked is a Netflix movie starting on February 17th. The film is about a girl named Lee Nam, played by South Korean actress Chun Woo-hye. When Lee Nam loses his phone, Oh Joon-young, played by Im Si-wan, returns the phone to him. Ironically, the guy who got her phone is also a fugitive, murderer and hacker. Lee retrieves Nami's phone, but is accidentally hacked by a hacker who begins tracking her every move. Things finally get complicated when he sets out to complete his deadly mission.


This movie seems to be a message of awareness because we live in a world where phones are needed but many people don't know how to use a particular phone against it. Overall, this film was a successful attempt to draw attention to the shortcomings of technology.

The film also had an interesting mix of drama and suspense that I don't often see. There were many emotional scenes related to the main character's relationship and family. There were also many action scenes and crime scenes where the investigators try to catch the criminal.


He found the film too educational, which makes it less interesting. Besides, two hours seemed too long for such a simple message. Since there were only three or four main characters, the actors were also few.

Eventually the stories got to the point where things got confusing and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

Another point that some viewers may like is that the film has many scenes that are not related to the main plot. For example, the police always walked around and found corpses scattered around, which confused me because they never explained how it related to the main story.


At first he thought the movie was interesting, but by the end of the movie he was not interested. There were a lot of emotional and action scenes, but overall the movie was a mess. It's not a good movie to watch for two hours.

I rate this movie 4 out of 10.

Suspense / Hidden Face Movie Review / plot in Hindi and Urdu

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