5 Action Movies You Didnt Know Were Based On Books

5 Action Movies You Didnt Know Were Based On Books
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Some of the best movies in history are based on books, mainly because Hollywood likes to create stories that people will love to ensure success. As a result, fans of the book and movie versions of the story continue to debate which is better.

However, since movies are adaptations based on books, they often differ slightly from the books as they are another author's creative vision, inspired only by the original work. Just as there are many examples of popular books that have been unsuccessfully adapted into films, there are also examples of film adaptations that have been more popular than the books.

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die hard

This 1988 action thriller was a huge hit upon its release and that success continues today as it is considered a classic by many fans of the action genre. It is based on a novel almost ten years before the movie called Nothing Lasts Forever (it is actually a sequel to the detective novel). Although the film adaptation would not turn out well, it is the opinion of many. be one of the best They are known as action movies. While the film generally stays true to the premise of the novel, it has some differences that many fans like.

jurassic park

Jurassic Park is a much closer age than the novel it is based on, only three years before the film. Thanks to the success of the novel, the movie became a reality so quickly after the book was written, but that doesn't compare to the success the movie would have given the story. In fact, many fans read the written version of the story because they saw the first version of the movie and enjoyed it very much.

Of course, there are many differences between the novel and the film that make each version appeal to different people. For example, the novel has more violence than the film, which often does not translate well to images outside of the horror genre. There were also ways in which the film filled in the holes that the story could not. For example, using CGI to blend/layer audio effects and sounds makes dinosaur encounters feel more real and scary, and provides a realistic sense of how dinosaurs look and feel. Especially since the story takes place in an amusement park with dinosaurs, it really feels like going to the park to learn about dinosaurs while watching the movie instead of reading the book. .

The Bourne Identity (and the rest of the Bourne series)

When most people hear the name Bourne, they immediately think of Matt Damon and certainly not the covers of the classic book series on which the franchise is based. However, this action series was very popular even before the movies were released. Movies have done such a good job of capturing the intensity of plot points that they've become even more iconic. Even before the film was released, the story was adapted into a TV series that was quite well received, but did not quite compete with the film in terms of impact. The film's director, Doug Liman, has a personal connection to the story told in the books and wanted to turn it into a movie for years before it became a hit, but it certainly paid off for fans.

the spider

Although not specifically based on a book, it is based on a story called Escape from Spiderhead , published in The New Yorker and later in a collection of short stories by George Saunders. Before the film's release, many who were fans of the story stated that the film lacked the charm and wit of the novel. Of course, it makes sense that much of it is changed and dramatized, as it translates a sub-40-page story into a nearly two-hour movie. Although the film received mixed reviews (with many positive reviews praising the actors), it was interesting to see this complex story come to life.

express train

Adapted from Maria Beetle 's novel, this film makes a significant and questionable shift that should be noted as changing the cultural landscape for American audiences. However, original story writer Kotaro Isaka revealed that he did not mind the change, as it did not remove essential story elements. The original book is not rooted in Japanese culture, but rather reflects the author's environment as it is, and thus does not necessarily cross boundaries, making the adaptation more familiar to audiences from another culture. Despite questions about culture change, the film received relatively good reviews. It was originally intended to be more similar to Die Hard, but it ended up being a much lighter piece , perhaps distinguishing itself more from other films of the genre.

While many fans of action can be surprised to learn that many of their favorite films are based on books, it is in fact perfectly logical that the already suspenseful elements of these stories can be reinforced in giving life to them. the movie Even when you least expect book-based genres that borrow from written stories, it shows how written works influence our society. Now, whether it motivates you to read the book versions of your favorite movies is another story.

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