Review: Shudder S 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments Of All Time


Lists and rankings of the best things are bound to be controversial. One might object to the premise's inherent subjective dimension, arguing that it invalidates the whole practice altogether. Others find in them an affirmation, a way to remove some "they told you so" from the discussion. For me, lists are nothing like that.

A good list provides a service, and a good excuse to review the things discussed, to contact them for the first time and check the background of the list to get to know them again. Shadder's 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time does just that. He doesn't care about the horrific action (despite the obvious allusion in the show's title), and instead gives the audience enough reason to have a well-designed fear or liking. Old scenes with new eyes.

The new horror streaming service series is practically a spiritual successor to the 2004 Bravo short series The 100 Scariest Movie Moments, an influential independent production that offers horror fans something to discuss and review. Now available to stream, the first episode of "Tremble" cycles through entries 101-89, pausing to give a summary of what the movie is about and why it's so memorable, before finally pausing at its scariest moment.

I'm not going to fail the entire list here, but I'll highlight element #. 101 because it sets the tone well and signals a desire not to stick with the same horror classics that used to dominate countdowns like this. Follow It (2014) by David Robert Mitchell begins fast and intense, which I took for granted. "This isn't your parent's best horror list," she said, and linked the following posts with surprising predictions

What made the first entry so interesting was the way the series provided the format, especially when it came to its commenters. Instead of quick editing and clipping from explainer lectures on films, each part focused primarily on the main sound, supported by short lectures by horror experts that included directors, journalists, scientists, experts, actors, and more. The tone of the celebrity fan was festive but focused, not interested in quick jokes or movie satire (something Bravo, E!, and VH1 communicate with their countdown-type shows).

The screen is also adorned by an impressive group of commentators. Tanriff Dew, Mick Garris, Joe Dante, Tom Holland (director of Fright Night and Child's Play, not Spider-Man), Tony Todd, Brie Grant, and Gigi Sol Guerrero are among the experts involved in every terrifying moment of their anxiety. Enlightenment nightmare.

The community has a good mix of industry veterans and new or emerging voices to keep any discussion fresh. Nothing is reformatted, allowing each movie to be viewed from a different angle. That seems to be the series' goal: to promote new interpretations and dare to think of films that haven't garnered attention elsewhere.

For example, I never expected to like David Lynch's Mulholland Drive (2001), but its inclusion is not only welcome, but because of the treatment it deserves as a unique film indulging in fear freely in its narrative. . Mario Bava's "Black Saturday" (1963) has a following long enough to be considered contemporary and detached from tradition or law.

I was also pleased with the range of time slots offered, as new rostering tends to add new productions at the expense of older productions, despite their overall importance and impact on the film. On the contrary, the show goes to great lengths to convince fans that old and new can coexist and enhance each other. Moreover, below the list are also acknowledgments of previous favorite influences on movies.

It all proves that "101 Horror Movie Moments of All Time" has become invaluable horror material, especially for viewers looking for more horror. It's a fun, non-combat celebration of the sort that garners praise rather than contentious discussions about which movie should be first or last. Give it a watch and then go see the movies on the list and be scared.



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