Return To Seoul Review Absorbing And Emotional Korean Drama About Adoption
The relentless forces of nature, nurture and fate are what this film confronts; It's a heartwarming and addictive adoption drama with great performances (many non-professional newcomers) and a catchy musical score. French-Cambodian filmmaker Davy Chow is directing and writing the script with artist Laure Badoufl, a Korean adoptee raised in France, whose personal story inspired the film.
Park Ji Min will make her debut in a role that mirrors her and Badoufle's life: a Korean woman with French adoptive parents. He plays Freddy Benoist, a twenty-one-year-old miscreant who comes to Seoul on a whim, stays at a foreign guesthouse, and thinks that Tena's friendly French-speaking secretary, finely played by writer Guka Han, will depend on him. friend Elegant, stylish, shy and a force of nature, Freddy impulsively invites everyone at the local cafe to join him at his table, where he will seduce Ten and Ten's shy friend Jiwan (Kim Dong-seok); She is later seduced and then rejected when the blissful and evil lover pathetically declares his undying love.
But Freddie's confidence is shaken when Thena tells him that if he wants to, he can contact his biological mother and father in South Korea, and the film informs us, of course, that this is what Freddie always does. unconsciously he had it in his mind. level mind Through an adoption agency, he learns that his Korean mother and father are divorced; she easily finds her father, a heartless friend played by veteran actor Oh Kwang Rok, now remarried with teenage children and haunted by the guilt of being abandoned, which revives her. Drunk and sleepy, his father bitterly begs him to stay with his family, almost starting to follow him, begging for forgiveness, almost as pathetic as Jeevan.
But just as he refuses to be a part of his father's life, his mother refuses to see him, and the whole film is full of terrible questions: did Freddy inherit his selfishness and creativity, his talent for seduction, for despair? and wake up this woman who has disappeared like a whirlwind in people's lives? And if he can't find his mother, now the ghost is unreachable, does that mean he will never understand himself and the meaning of his existence? It's an incredibly strange and truly tragic situation that follows the film fresh through eight years of Freddie's life; It's great narration and great acting by Park Ji Min.
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