Will A Warcraft 2 Movie Ever Happen?

Will A Warcraft 2 Movie Ever Happen?
© Courtesy of CBR

Based on Blizzard's hugely popular and ongoing franchise, the 2016 film Warcraft attempted to break the heavy stigma associated with video game adaptations. While the film didn't quite live up to everything fans had hoped for, it did very well, leading many to wonder if the long-rumored sequel would happen.

The film opens with an orc shaman named Gul'dan invading the human world using dark magic. After the orcs form an army called the Horde, King Llein goes to war with the human army to protect his lands, though the leaders of both sides hope for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. But unfortunately, the evil Gul'dan kills the noblest orc leader and the portal to their homeland is closed. Eventually, the man finds a basket with a pet ogre named Thrall, the central character of the Warcraft story.

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With the film's story unrevealed, fans have long been waiting for a Warcraft sequel , only to be met with silence. Despite underperforming at the box office, the film received a respectable 76% Fan Rating on Rotten Tomatoes despite a 28% from critics. Warcraft has also gained an unexpectedly large following in China, surpassing the box office of Star Wars: The Force Awakens within days.

Much of the criticism was similar to many video game adaptations. With decades of knowledge from the games and books, Warcraft was tasked with cramming most of it into a two-hour movie, which meant leaving out a lot of fan-favorite events and characters. The biggest surprise in this regard was the CGI effects. Despite the lower budget of video game adaptations, Warcraft featured some of the best computer-generated characters of its time.

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Director of Warcraft sounds great.

While a Warcraft sequel seems likely, director Duncan Jones' tweets and interviews make it look like it's never going to happen. In June 2020, Jones tweeted that he had three film sketches for Warcraft , detailing each film's storyline. However, with Blizzard's silence and the employee pressure the company is facing, many fans have lost hope for a sequel.

However, rumors of a sequel have not completely died down. The film is said to be still in development and Duncan Jones has been silent for a long time. With the release of the new World of Warcraft game pack, the long-awaited announcement of Warcraft 2 may finally see the new media demand fans have been waiting for.

The truth about warcraft 2 movie

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