The Woman King Movie Review: It May Be Wishfulfilment But Its Also A Dream

The Woman King Movie Review: It May Be Wishfulfilment But Its Also A Dream

Holy beans. In this epic thriller set in 1823, gray-haired West African soldier General Namiska (Viola Davis) realizes a prophecy has come true and takes the spiritually inclined Amenza (Sheila Atem) under his wing. and said, "Your folly is finally right."

The Woman King has some serious things to say about colonialism, misogyny, and greed, but you can never blame her for taking herself too seriously. Like Black Panther, which is undoubtedly comparable, The Gina Prince-Bythewood Show is revolutionary and fun to play with old-school rules (as in: Laugh At Them).

Davies is determined and shrewd as the commander of the battalion of Agogi women, known as "Africa's Deadliest Whores" (and they really do exist). These women defend their homeland of Dahomey against General Oba Ade (Jimmy Udkoya), the greedy leader of a neighboring kingdom. But they must also face more dangerous enemies like the Brazilian slave trader Santo (Hero Fiennes Tiffin).

Namika wanted her king (John Boyega; Crucifixion) to have moral supremacy. She faces an uphill battle until teenage Nawi (Teso Mbedu, 31; very vivacious) changes everything in her quest for attention.

A stronger ensemble cast couldn't be asked for, with Atem and Lashana Lynch (as Namika's other wing lady, the pragmatic Ezogi) constantly deepening the story. The Agojie is not a one-woman army and The Woman King is not a one-woman show. The Screen Actors Guild always wins an Outstanding Performance by an Actress. It is owned by Davis, Mebedo, Ateem and Lynch.

And the soundtrack, which features collections of songs from superstar Angelique Kijo, is hilarious. The same goes for Polly Morgan's cinematography, but none of the visual/audio richness feels heavy. Like magic, we got what we paid for.

Does anyone still think female directors can't do fight scenes? The combat is brutal and because we're so attached to Namika and her team, it's very calming.

Much has been made of the fact that the end of the film affects the rulers of Dahomey. Yes, Our Lady of the King can be gifted under wish control, but this applies to many classic tricks. The final chapter has the same vertigo as Tarantino's Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood.

We are led to believe that little girls once won in West Africa. If you want to get closer to the truth, watch the 2019 documentary Warrior Women starring Black Panther's Lupita Nyong'o. But first watch The Female King. It's not a strong true story. It's a powerful story , and when it comes to fantasy, Prince-Bythewood reigns supreme.

134 minutes 15 testimonials

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